- - - s Re suit at s des Campagnes MUSORSTOM |
Volume 14 |
Coordonne par |
TOME 167 |
Philippe BOUCHET |
1995 |
Source : MNHN, F
Redacteur en chef (Editor-in-ChieJ) : Jean-Lou Justine Redacteurs (Editors) : Jean-Marie Bktsch, Philippe Bouchht. Christian Erard & Jean-Lou Justine Assistante de redaction (Copy editor) : Bernadette Charles Adresse (Address)
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Source : MNHN, Paris
Source : MNHN, Paris
Ce volume des Resultats des Campagnes MUSORSTOM est dedie a la memoire de Richard Houbrick ( 1937-1993), « Joe » pour lous ses collegues el amis. Joe aimait les cerithes, le contact du terrain, I’hiver a Fort Pierce, le travail soigne et les petits potins du monde de la malacologie.
Resultats des Campagnes MUSORSTOM Volumes deja parus :
Volume 1 : Mem. ORSTOM, 91 : 1-558, 225 fig., 39 pi. (1981). ISBN : 2-7099-0578-7.
Volume 2 : Mem. Mus. natn. Hist, nat., (A), 133 : 1-525, 126 fig., 37 pi. (1986). ISBN : 2-85653-136-9.
Volume 3 : Mem. Mus. natn. Hist, nat., (A), 137 : 1-254, 82 fig., 9 pi. (1987). ISBN : 2-85653-141-5.
Volume 4 : Mem. Mus. natn. Hist, nat., (A), 143 : 1-260, 103 fig., 23 pi. (1989). ISBN : 2-85653-150-4. Volume 5 : Mem. Mus. natn. Hist, nat., (A), 144 : 1-385, 128 fig., 35 pi. (1989). ISBN : 2-85653-164-4. Volume 6 : Mem. Mus. natn. Hist, nat., (A), 145: 1-388, 190 fig., 4pl. couleur (1990). ISBN : 2-85653-171-7. Volume 7 : Mem. Mus. natn. Hist, nat., (A), 150 : 1-264, 587 tig. (1991). ISBN : 2-85653-180-6.
Volume 8 : Mem. Mus. natn. Hist, nat., (A), 151 : 1-468, 198 fig. (1991). ISBN : 2-85653-186-5.
Volume 9 : Mem. Mus. natn. Hist, nat., (A), 152 : 1-520, 283 tig., 6 pi. couleur (1992). ISBN : 2-85653-191-1 .
Volume 10 : Mem. Mus. natn. Hist, nat., 156 : 1-491, 163 fig., 2 pi. couleur (1993). ISBN : 2-85653-206-3.
Volume 11 : Mem. Mus. natn. Hist, nat., 158 : 1-426, 159 fig., (1993). ISBN : 2-85653-208-X.
Volume 12 : Mem. Mus. natn. Hist, nat., 161 : 1-569, 269 fig., 1 1 pi. couleur (1994). ISBN : 2-85653-212-8.
Volume 13 : Mem. Mus. natn. Hist, nat., 163 : 1-517, 132 fig., 4 pi. couleur (1995). ISBN : 2-85653-224-1. Volume 14 : Mem. Mus. natn. Hist, nat., 167 : 1-654, 987 fig., 3 pi. couleur (1995). ISBN : 2-85653-217-9.
Source MNHN. Paris
esultats des campagncs
Volume 14
Source : MNHN, Paris
ISBN : 2-8565 3-217-9 ISSN : 1243-4442
© Editions du Museum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, 1995
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Source : MNHN, Paris
TOME 167
Resultats des Campagnes Musorstom
Volume 14
Coordonne par
Philippe BOUCHET
Museum national d’Histoire naturelle Laboratoire de Biologie des Invertebres marins et Malacologie 5 rue Buffon F-75005 Paris
Source : MNHN , Paris
Couveriure : Cardiomya gouldiana
Source : MNHN , Paris
1 . Bathyal Pectinoidea (Bivalvia: Propeamussiidae, Entoliidae, Pectinidae) from New Caledo¬ nia and adjacent areas . 9
Henk H. Dijkstra
2. Systematic revision of living species of Meiocardia , Glossidae and Glossocardia, Trape-
zidae (Bivalvia) . 75
Akihiko Matsukuma & Tadashige Habe
3. Carnivorous bivalve molluscs (Anomalodesmata) from the tropical western Pacific Ocean,
with a proposed classification and a catalogue of Recent species . 107
Jean-Maurice Poutiers & Frank R. Bernard
4. Scaphopoda of the tropical Pacific and Indian Oceans, with description of 3 new genera and
42 new species . 1 89
Victor Scarabino
5. Calliostomatidae (Gastropoda: Trochoidea) from New Caledonia, the Loyalty Islands, and
the northern Lord Howe Rise . 381
Bruce A. Marshall
6. The Trophoninae (Gastropoda: Muricidae) of the New Caledonia region . 459
Roland Houart
7. A review of the deep-water volute genus Calliotectum (Gastropoda: Volutidae) . 499
Philippe Bouchet & Guido T. Poppe
8. A revision of the drilliid genera Splendrillia and Plagio strop ha (Gastropoda: Conoidea) from
New Caledonia, with additional records from other areas . 527
Fred E. Wells
9. Deep-water Cones (Gastropoda: Conidae) from the New Caledonia region . 557
Dieter Rockel, Georges Richard & Robert G. Moolenbeek
10. Mathildidae from New Caledonia and the Loyalty Islands (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia). . 595
Rudiger Bieler
Index . 643
Source : MNHN, Paris
Bathyal Pectinoidea
(Bivalvia: Propeamussiidae, Entoliidae, Pectinidae) from New Caledonia and adjacent areas
Institute of Systematics and Population Biology (Zoological Museum)
University of Amsterdam P.O. Box 94766, 1090 GT Amsterdam The Netherlands
The biological exploration of deep-sea benthos off New Caledonia during the years 1978-1989 has yielded a rich mollusc fauna, including 30 species of Pectinoidea. The highest diversity, with 14 species, is observed in the 600-800 m depth interval, and only three species have been collected below 1500 m. The fauna belongs to Propeamussiidae (21 species, all taken alive), Entoliidae (1 species, alive), and Pectinidae (8 species, 6 taken alive). Nine species are new to science: Parvamussium multiliratum, P. retiaculum, P. retiolum, P. squalidulum, P. undisonum. P. vesiculatum, Cyclopecten horridus, C. pellucidulus (Propeamussiidae), and Hyalopecten mireilleae (Pectinidae). Most of the other species are new records for the region. Ten lectotypes are designated, one new synonym and one new1 combination recognized. This pectinoid fauna shows a strong similarity to that oT the wider Indo-Pacific, and marginally to that of northern New Zealand and southeastern Australia.
Les Pectinoidea bathyaux (Bivalvia: Propeamussiidae, Entoliidae et Pectinidae) de Nouvelle-Caledonie et des regions voisines.
Les campagnes oceanographiques realisees de 1979 a 1989 autour de la Nouvelle-Caledonie ont recolte une riche faune de moliusques bathyaux et abyssaux, dont 30 especes de bivalves Pectinoidea. Le maximum de diversite est observe entre 600 et 800 m de profondeur, avec 14 especes. alors que trois especes seulement ont ete recoltees a plus de 1500 m. Cette faunule se repartit en Propeamussiidae (21 especes, toutes recoltees vivantes). Entoliidae (1 espece, vivante), et Pectinidae (8 especes. dont 6 recoltees vivantes). Neuf especes nouvelles sont decrites : Parvamussium multiliratum. P. retiaculum. P. retiolum. P.
Oijkstra, H.H., 1995. Bathyal Pectinoidea (Bivalvia; Propeamusiidae, Entoliidae, Pectinidae) from New Caledonia and adjacent areas. In: P. Bol'CHET (ed.). Resultats des Campagnes Musorstom, Volume 14 Mem. Mus. natn. Hist. mu.. 167; 9-73. Paris ISBN 2-85653-217-9.
Published 29'h December 1995.
Source . MNHN. Paris
squalidulum, P. undisonum, P. vesiculatum, Cyclopeclen horridus, C. pellucidulus (Propeamussudae), et Hyalopecten miredleae (Pectinidae). La plupart des autres especes sont signalees pour la premiere fois de ce secteur geographique. Des lectotypes soni desienes pour dix taxons, et une nouvelle synonymie et une nouvelle combinaison sont etablies. Cette faune de Pectinoidea fait incontestablement partie de ITndo-Pacifique avec, marginalement. quelques affinites avec le Nord de la Nouvelle-Zelande et le Sud-Est de 1'Australie.
Deep-sea pectinoid bivalves from the tropical South-West Pacific are poorly known, and only a few species were described by previous authors (E.A. Smith, 1885; Hedley, 1902). During the years 1978-1989 several French expeditions have collected rich samples of marine biota from bathyal depths around New Caledonia, including many pectinoidean bivalves. The species treated here are those occurring at depths below 100 m, i.e. all the littoral and reef associated species are not considered. With these limitations, the collection comprises 21 species of Propeamussiidae (all taken alive), one species of Entoliidae (alive), and 8 species of Pectinidae (6 taken alive), a total of 30 pectinoids. To make the survey of New Caledonia Propeamussiidae more complete, Parvamussium pauciliratum, a shallow-water species, is also treated and illustrated.
The present paper completes the revision of the pectinoids of New Caledonia. In a series of papers, Dijkstra (1983 to 1994) and Dijkstra et al. (1989, 1990) recorded the occurence of 33 species of Pectinidae from the reefs and coral reef lagoons.
As for other papers in this volume, the material studied was collected during the cruises reported on by Richer de Forges (1990, 1993). For descriptions of deep-sea bottom topography and faunal zonation around New Caledonia, 1 refer to Roux (1991) and Roux et al. (1991). In species descriptions, morphological terminology follows Waller (1978, 1984, 1991, 1993) and Waller & Marincovich (1992).
Comparative material from the Indo-Pacific and type material was studied from various museum collections, viz. ams, bmnh, kbin, mnhn, nmnz, nmp, nmw, rmnh, zma, zmc, zsi. The present material is stored in MNHN; paratypes have been distributed to other museums, including the reference collection of the author.
: Auckland Institute and Museum, Auckland : Australian Museum, Sydney : The Natural History Museum, London : H.H. Dijkstra collection
: Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica, Qingdao : Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Brussels : Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge (U.S.A.)
: Museum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris : Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington : Natal Museum, Pietermaritzburg : National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne : National Museum of Wales, Cardiff : National Science Museum, Tokyo : Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leiden : National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC : Zoologisch Museum, Amsterdam : Zoologisk Museum, Copenhagen : Zoological Survey of India, New Alipur, Calcutta
Source : MNHN, Paris
Station data
CC : Chalut a crevettes (Shrimp Trawl)
cp : Chalut a perche (Beam Trawl)
DC : Drague Charcot (Charcot Dredge)
de : Drague epibenthique (Epibenthic Sledge)
ds : Drague epibenthique Sanders (Sanders epibenthic Sledge)
dw : Drague Waren (Waren Dredge)
kg : Carottier Usnel grande surface (Usnel Box-Corer)
Other abbreviations
db : doublet (paired valves, dead collected)
Iv : left valve(s)
rv : right valve(s)
spm(s) : live-taken specimen(s)
v : valve(s)
od : Original designation
so : Subsequent designation.
Class Bivalvia Linnaeus, 1758 Subclass Pteriomorphia Beurlen, 1944 [emend., Boss 1982]
Superorder Eupteriomorphia Boss, 1982 Order Ostreoida Waller, 1978 Suborder Pectinina Waller, 1978 Superfamily Pectinoidea Wilkes, 1810 [emend., Waller 1978]
Family Propeamussiidae Abbott, 1954
Propeamussiidae Abbott, 1954: 361. 369.
1 f Diagnostic characters. - Free or byssate Pectinoidea with outer foliated calcitic layer on let t valve and prismatic calcitic layer on right valve present on the main part of the disc; inner layer crossed-lamellar aragonite beyond pallial line, sometimes nearly to distal margins; byssal notch without ctenolium.
Remarks. Hertlein (1969: N350) placed Propeamussium (with Parvamussium), as a subgenus together with Amusium Roding, 1798 and Korobkovia Glibert & van de Poel, 1965 in the Amusium-group, with the note that these genera may have been derived from different groups in lectimdae. Abbott (1954), however, had introduced a new family Propeamussiidae [emended by waller (1978: 353)], for Propeamussium. Waller (1984) also included several other related genera m Propeamussiidae, viz. Parvamussium , Cyclopecten Verrill, 1897, Similipecten Winckworth, 1932, and Latdlopecten Iredale, 1939. Hayami (1988a) mentioned also Polynemamussium Habe, 1951 as a ecent genus of Propeamussiidae, and treated Parvamussium as a synonym of Propeamussium. u sequently, Hayami & Kase (1993: 54) raised Parvamussium in rank to genus.
Hayami (1988b) and Waller (1991, 1993) mentioned, the suprageneric classification of the i ectinoidea is still in disorder and under appraisal.
Genus Propeamvssium de Gregorio, 1884
Propeamussium de Gregorio, 1884: 119. [Proposed as a subgenus of Pecten}. Type species (OD): Peclen ( Propeamussium) ceciliae de Gregorio, 1884; Miocene, Sicily, Italy.
Paramusium Verrill 1897: 72. Type species (OD): A nuts sium dalli E. A. Smith, 1885; Recent, oil Bermuda. W Atlantic, 796 m. Occultamussium Korobkov, 1937: 56. [Proposed as a subgenus of Amusium], Type species (OD): Peclen semiradiatus Mayer, 1861; Upper Eocene, Austria. ,
Pseudopalliorum Oyama, 1944: 244. [Proposed as a subgenus of Propeamussium]. Type species (OD): Pecten interradmtus Gabb. 1869; Eocene, California. USA.
Bathymussium Oyama. 1951: 79. [Proposed as a subgenus of Ctenamusium). Type species (OD): Amussium je/Jreysu E.A. Smith. 1885; Recent, N Sulu Sea. Philippines, 686 m.
Micramussium Oyama, 1951: 80. [Proposed as a subgenus of Ctenamusium]. Type species (OD): Ctenamusium ( Micramusstum) siratama Oyama. 1951; Recent, Japan, 234-291 m.
Flavamussium Oyama. 1951: 81. [Proposed as a subgenus of Parvamussium). Type species (OD): Amussium caducum E.A. Smith, 1885; Recent. Philippines, 1280 m. .
Luteamussium Oyama. 1951: 82. Type species (OD): Amussium sibogai Dautzenberg & Bavay. 1904; Recent, Indonesia, 289 m.
Diagnosis. — Shell equivalve, fragile, usually rather small, mostly transparent, laterally compressed, gaping along lateral margins; left valve smooth or sculptured with fine radial and/or concentric riblets or striae, right valve with concentric lines or lirae; auricles nearly equal to equal; byssal notch moderately slight; no ctenolium; internal riblets extend to submarginal region.
Distribution. — Jurassic-Recent. Worldwide; 275-2740 m (Waller, 1971).
Remarks. — Grau (1959) repeated the original diagnosis of Propeamussium , and of the type species P. ceciliae, with a translation in English. The red colour of the fossil shell described by de Gregorio, is probably the colour of iron oxyde, as commented by Gale (in Grant & Gale, 1931: 232). The type specimen has been subsequently figured by de Gregorio (1898: pi. 4, figs 10-12). Figures 13 and 14, also referred to by Grau (1959; 9) do not belong to the type species. Hertlein (1969: N350) has reproduced de Gregorio’s illustration of the right (sic) valve of the holotype. North (1951b: 123) mentioned that he could not trace the holotype.
Grau (1959: 9) placed Paramussium, Pseudopalliorum, Flavamussium and Luteamussium in the synonymy of Propeamussium, and Hertlein (1969: N350) subsequently added also Occultamussium, and Actinopecten with a question mark. Hayami (1988a) enumerated also Parvamussium, Ctenamus- sium (sic), Glyptamusium “Oyama, 1944“ (sic) [= Glyptamusium Iredale, 1939], Bathyamussium and Micramussium as synonyms of Propeamussium. However, the type species of Ctenamusium and Glyptamusium are morphologically similar to Parvamussium, whereas the type species of Bathymus¬ sium and Micramussium are more similar to Propeamussium.
Differences in shell characters of Propeamussium and Parvamussium are summarized in Table 1
Table 1 |
. — Characters of Propeamussiw |
<n and Parvamussium. |
Propeamussium |
Parvamussium |
dimension |
10-85 mm |
5 - 20 mm |
shape |
orbicular to oval |
orbicular to oblique |
lateral gape |
present |
absent |
byssal notch |
absent |
well developed |
auricles |
equal or nearly equal |
unequal |
internal ribs |
starling in early ontogeny and developed to central or sub-marginal area |
starling later and developed to marginal area |
Source : MNHN. Paris
Propeamussium alcocki (E.A. Smith, 1894) Figs 1-4, 133-137
Amussium alcocki E.A. Smith, 1894: 172, pi. 5, figs 15-16.
Other references:
Amussium alcocki - At. cock & Anderson, 1897: pi. 2, figs 3-3a Thiele & Jaeckel. 1931: 8. - Winckworth, 1940: 26. Propeamussium alcocki - Abbott & Dance. 1982: 303.
Alcock, 1902: 282, fig. 79
E.A. Smith, 1906: 255.
.,,,/QT|YPEtM^TER,^,L- - Lect°tyPe (Figs 133-7, H 40.4, L 39.8, D 7.9 mm) here designated zs. 6154,9 live taken. Three paralectotypes: bmnh 1894.9.11.1, nmw 1955.158 785 zmc The^tvnes are somewhat damaged near the margins, and the right valves of three of them (zsi, bmnh nmw) are
Type locality. — " Investigator ”, stn 105, 15H02'N, 72°34' E, Laccadive Sea, 1353 m.
Material examined. — The type material.
Chesterfield Islands, corail 2: stn DW 171, 18°24'S, 155°22'E 650 m 2 Iv I rv New Caledonia, biocal: stn CP 75, 22° 18' S, 167°23' E, 825-860 m 93 'sDms' biogeocal: stn CP 232, 21°33' S, 166°27' E, 760-790 m 3 spins
5(11 cp 421 ■ 2o°23'Si i66°2o'E' 800 m- 6 sPms- - stn cp «8
zu 15 8, 166 20 E, 780 m, 5 spms.
Distribution. Laccadive Sea and Bay of Bengal (Smith, 1894; Alcock, 1902) Gulf of Aden (Thiele & Jaeckel, 1931) and New Caledonia, Chesterfield Islands and Loyalty Islands Present material living at 760-860 m. *
Description. — Shell inequivalve, circular, up to ca. M) mm high, inequilateral, fragile, creamy, translucent Prodmoconch ca. 240 pm in height.
Left valve somewhat more convex than right, with some concentric growth lines, and 1-3 fine radial lirae near posterior margin. Anterior margin more convex than poste- nor. Auricles equal, smooth, anterior margin somewhat raised, bight to 10 internal riblets entering from near resilifer
to two-thirds length of adult disc, somewhat finer than on right valve; one auricular lira on each side.
Righi valve covered with wide-set concentric costae, commencing at ca. 3 mm shell length, with granulate interstitial microsculpture. Auricles with small concentric striations, prominent scales on posterior and anterior dorsal margins. Resilifer triangular. No byssal notch, or ctenolium.
althmmbEH,ARKSi ThC present material of Propeamussium alcocki is similar to the type specimens, gh the coloration is somewhat different (creamy instead of transparent white) All of the
Sntrd n?retC,I?fbnSJaCk Cr°"ce,n!.ric lamelIae near the ventral margin and minute radiations on the central part of the disc of the left valve. Knudsen (1967: 281) considered P. alcocki a junior synonym
TTeted aS Variation the differences in shape (circular to nearly oval), concentric of S n,8r Va V,e (yar-es in setting)’ and radiating sculpture of left valve (varies in development)
New V^l T‘a fr0m. thLC nd‘an °Cean‘ 1 did 1101 °bserve these variations in the material from around Ldiedonia and the two species are well defined conchologically (see descriptions).
I7QR1 k ‘ a cock‘h'dS rbeen refered to Amussium Hermannsen, 1846 [emendation of Amusium Rodins, m by a number of authors, but that genus belongs to Pectinidae.
Source MNHN.
Figs 1-8. — 1-4. Propeamussium alcocki, biocal: stn CP 75, 46.1 x 39.8 mm (db). — 1, left valve, exterior. — 2, left valve, interior. — 3, right valve, exterior. — 4, right valve, interior. — 5-8. P. andamanicum , biocal: stn CP 74, 44.y x 36.8 mm (db)’. — 5, left valve, exterior. — 6, left valve, interior. - 7, right valve, exterior. — 8, right valve, interior.
Source : MNHN, Paris
Propeamussium andamanicum (E.A. Smith, 1894) Figs 5-8, 138-142
Amussium andamanicum E.A. Smith, 1894: 172-173. pi. 5, figs 13-14. Other references:
Amimmm andamanicum - E.A. Smith, 1895b: 265. Alcock & Anderson, 1897: pi 2 figs 1-la - E A Smith 19P4-
14. Winckworth. 1940: 26. — Knudsen, 1967: 273, pi. 1, fig. 22, text fig. 15. P ’ 8 t. A. Smith, 1904.
74.R Q1iYPEtTTERxALL' r Lectotype (F'8s 138'142’ H 30-2> L 22.4, D 6.4 mm) here designated zs. 7418/9, live taken. The type specimen is somewhat damaged on the posterior margin of the left valve and ventral margin of the right valve. Therefore its current dimensions differ ''from those in the original description. Smith (1895b, 1904) indicated material from different stations of “Investigator” however he mentioned only one station in the original description. Material from “Investigator” stn 122 and 192 do not belong to the type series.
Tyre locality. — “ Investigator ”, stn 1 13, 12°59' N, 93°23'10" E, Andaman Sea, 1249 m. Smith 1894) mentioned a depth of 688-922 fathoms [= 1258-1686 m], which should be 683 fathoms [- 1249 m] (stn 1 13) and 922 fathoms [= 1686 m] (stn 1 14). On a printed label of the Indian Museum is written in ink station number “113” and a depth of “683” fathoms (see Fig. 138).
Material examined. — The type material.
New Caledonia, biocal: stn CP 74, 22° 14' S, 167°29' E, 1300-1475 m 1 spm biogeocal: stn CP 238, 21°27'S, 166°23'E, 1260-1300 m. 1 spm.
Distribution. — Andaman Sea, Laccadive Sea and Arabian Sea (Smith, 1895b 1904) hvinaT 1260 1 475 'm °f (KNUDSEN’ 1967)' and now New Caledonia. Present material
')ES™™ — Shell fragile, hyaline, up to ca. 45 mm high, elongate, umbonal angle ca. 90”. left valve transparent- white, right valve creamy.
Prodissoconch ca. 250 pm in height (Knudsen. 1967).
Leji valve somewhat more convex than right, ornamented with widespread concentric lirae that commence near the central part of disc and extend to ventral margin. Auricles equal and rather small, with delicate concentric striations. Anterior and posterior margin of auricles somewhat raised.
Small scales on dorsal edge of auricles. Interior lirae commencing directly below resilifer, 9-11, with one small auricular lira on each side, all gradually enlarging.
Right valve covered with concentric lirae and interstitial granulated microsculpture (prismatic calcite layer). Auricles with delicate concentric striae. Dorsal margin with prominent scales. No byssal notch, no clenolium. Resilifer rather triangular elongate.
Remarks. — The present specimens resemble the type material, although the concentric lirae or tne left valve are more delicate and start somewhat earlier. The internal riblets are variable in length and number. P. andamanicum is closest to P. alcocki, and is a typical Propeamussium.
Propeamussium caducum (E.A. Smith, 1885) Figs 9-10, 129-132
Amussium caducum E.A. Smith, 1885: 309. pi. 23, figs 1-lc. Synonyms:
Amussium weberi Dautzenberg & Bavay, 1912: 32. pi. 28, figs 9-13. lo/wawwar/wn \ ndkazawai Kuroda, 1932. 87, figs 101-102 ( nomen nudum). Synonymy established by Oyama (1951), and
subsequently followed by Habe (1958. 1977) and Knudsen (1967).
Figs 9-14. — 9-10. Propeamussium caducum, “Vauban" 1978-79- sin II 77 Q v is q „ , r.
Source : MNHN, Paris
Other references:
Amussium caducum - E.A. Smith. 1894: 173; 1895a: 18; 1904: 13; 1906: 255. — Melvill & Standen, 1907: 807. Thiele & Jaeckel, 1931: 7. Winckworth, 1940: 26.
Parvamussium ( Flavamussium) caducum - Oyama, 1951: 81, pi. 13. figs 11-12. Kira, 1967: 138. pi. 49. fig. 15. Flavamussium caducum — Habe, 1958: 267. pi. 11, fig. 26.
Propeamussium caducum - Hayami. 1988a: 476. Okutani. Tagawa & Horikawa. 1989: 58, figs. Dukstra, 1991: 6. Propeamussium I Propeamussium ) caducum — Wang, 1984: 599. pi. 1, figs 3-4. textlig. 2. Dukstra. 1990: 9-10.
Type material. — A. caducum: lectotype (Figs 129-132, H 20.9, L 18.8, D 4.5 mm), here designated bmnfi 1887.2.9.3310, 4 paralectotypes bmnh 1887.2.9.331 1/1-4. The anterior and posterior margins of the left valve and the marginal apron of the right valve of the holotype are broken off; in consequence the measurements differ slightly from the original ones. A. weberi : lectotype, here designated zma 3.12.013, paralectotypes ZMA, RMNH, kbin, mcz. P. nakazawai: holotype not seen.
Type locality. A. caducum: “ Challenger ", stn 207, 12°2T N, 122°15' E, W ol Luzon. Philippines, alive, 1280 m. - A. weberi: “Siboga”, stn 316, 7°19.4' S, 116°49.5'E, Bali Sea, alive. 538 m. — P. nakazawai: Suruga Bay, Japan, alive, 549-732 m.
Material examined. - New Caledonia. “Vauban’’ 1978-79: stn 31, 22"31'S. 166" 25' E. 450-550 m, 2 spms. — Stn 32, 22°32' S. 166°25' E, 430-500 m. 2 rv. - Stn 33, 22°33' S, 166°25' E, 290-350 m, 1 lv. - Stn 34, 22°32' S. 166°26' E, 350-420 m, 2 lv.
Distribution. — Japan (Oyama, 1951; Kira. 1967), Philippines (Smith 1885; Oyama, 1951; Knudsen, 1967). Indonesian Archipelago (Dautzenberg & Bavay. 1912; Thiele & Jaeckel, 1931; Dukstra, 1991), Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal (Smith, 1894, 1895a, 1904. 1906), Gull of Aden and Zanzibar area (Knudsen, 1967). Now also New Caledonia. Present material living at
450-550 m.
Description. Shell slightly inequivalve, fragile, nearly equilateral, up to ca. 25 mm high, somewhat higher than wide, rather opaque, glossy, creamy, umbonal angle about 90'’, left valve somewhat more convex than the right.
Prodissoconch ca. 215 pm in height (Knudsen. 1967).
Left valve smooth, ornamented with concentric growth lines, no radial slriations. Auricles rather small, without sculpture, somewhat raised near margins.
Right valve sculptured with wide-set concentric lirae.
commencing at 3 mm shell height and extending to submar¬ ginal area, microscopic radial scratches between them. Auri¬ cles with very fine concentric striae, strong scales produced on the marginal areas of hinge. Hinge line straight near umbo, then rising near anterior and posterior dorsal margins. Internal lirae generally 10 in number, sometimes 9 or II. slightly nodulose at distal ends. Lirae of right valve somewhat more strongly developed. No byssal notch or ctenolium. lateral gape present.
Remarks. Other specimens seen from the western Paciltc dilfer slightly from the present material, mainly in coloration (somewhat paler) and in having usually I or 2 more internal lirae. The specimens are similar to the type material, although the concentric growth lines are weaker and there are no radial striae on the left valve. Amussium weberi is similar in all features, and is interpreted as junior synonym of Propeamussium caducum. P. nakazawai treated by Oyama (1951). Habe (1958, 1977) and Knudsen (1967) as a synonym of P. caducum is a nomen nudum (no description and not compared with any other species).
Descriptions of the soft parts, food and reproduction are given by Knudsen (1967; 275). Hayami (1988a) described shell crystallography.
P. caducum is the type species of Parvamussium (Flavamussium) . Kuroda & Habe (1981:62) treated Flavamussium as a subgenus of, and Hertlein (1969: N350) as a synonym ol Propeamussium. P. caducum is a typical Propeamussium.
Propeamussium maorium (Dell. 1956) Figs 11-14
Parvamussium maorium Dell, 1956: 20, figs 30-31.
Other references:
Parvamussium maorium - Powell. 1979: 381, figs 93.1-2. Rombouts 1991- 69 Parvamussium maorum (sic) - Dell, 1962: 75; 1963: 206.
Type material. Holotype dead-taken, nmnz M9171, 5 paratypes nmnz M9169
Type locality. — Portobello " Alert ”, Zealand, 476-640 m.
stn 54-17. Canyon A, ENE of Taiaroa Head, New
Material examined. — The type material.
Chesterfield Islands, musorstom 5: stn CP 387, 20°53' S, 160°52'E, 650-660 m 1 snm.
S“2: St" PE l5’ 20°51' s' 160°56' E’ 580-590 m, 1 lv, 1 rv. — Stn DE 15b,' 20°5T S, 160°55' 580-590 m, 3 lv, 1 rv.
New Caledonia, musorstom 4: stn CP 169. 18°54' S, 1 63°1 1 ' E, 590 m 1 db Loyalty Islands, biogeocal: stn CP 232, 21°33'S, 166°27'E, 760-790 m 1 lv 2 rv.
musorstom 6: stn DW 469, 21°03' S, 167°34' E, 630 m, 1 spm. Stn DW 483 21°19' S 167°47' 600 m, I spm.
Kerm,?,STMBU1ION' S°Uth Islands °f Ne* Zealand> Chatham Islands (nmnz),
'imU ndv ,lt S Rnd5 dl N°rf° k IS a,n.d <Dijkstra- unpubl. data); now also the Chesterfield Islands and Loyalty Basin. Present material living at 600-660 m.
Description. Shell somewhat inequivalve, fragile, suborbicular. up lo ca. 20 mm high, semi-translucent left valve brighter brownish or creamy than right, umbonal angle about 90°. b
Prodissoconch ca. 210 pm in height.
Left valve somewhat more convex than right, covered with prominent, irregularly arranged radial costae, that extend to marginal area; the costae covered with fine lamellae, that become more closely spaced near ventral margin. Auricles small, equal in size, smooth.
Right valve with widely spaced concentric lirae. Auricles unequal sculptured with fine concentric striae. Small scales produced on hinge line near dorsal margin. Internal lirae generally 10-12. sometimes a few secondary riblets developed between primary riblets near anterior and posterior margins Resi lifer triangular, elongate. Byssal notch small. Lateral gape present, no ctenolium.
Remarks. - The present specimens agree very well with the type material. The closest species
ad^cosmeTnH (EA' Smith’ l906) from the SE Arabian Sea. The irregularly spaced
radial costae and concentric striae commence earlier on the disc of the latter species whereas P
Smhh rdptSSy at lhC SamC StagC °f gr0Wth- Another allied species is P. jeffreysii (EA
th“ I extend Lfr^Ct 1PPnfPLW5iCh haS, fmer scu,Pture (somewhat cancellate) on the left valve at' maturity P of the d,sc’ and Promment concentric lamellae near the ventral margin
Although Dell (1956) placed P. maorium in Parvamussium , it is a typical Propeamussium.
Source : MNHN , Paris
Propeamussium meridionale (E.A. Smith, 1885) Figs 15-18, 143-146
Amussium meridionale E.A. Smith, 1885: 316, pi. 24. figs 1-la.
Other references:
Amussium meridionale - Knudsen, 1967: 277. pi. 1, fig. 16, textfig. 17,
Propeamussium meridionale — Grau, 1959: 12, pi. 1. Knudsen, 1970: 94, pi. 12. figs 5-9, textfig. 58. Dell, 1990: 37. Propeamussium ( Propeamussium ) meridionale - Dijkstra, 1990: 2, 9. pi. 1, figs 1-2.
Varlamussium (sic) meridionale - Powell, 1960: 175.
Verlamussium (sic) meridionale — Clarke. 1962: 60.
Type material. — Lectotype (Figs 143-6, H 13.8, L 13.4, D 4.0 mm) here designated, live taken, bmnh 1887.2.9.3337 (corresponding to the original description and measurements), 2 paralectotypes bmnh 1887.2.9.3335/1-2, undamaged left valve (corresponding to the figured shell from " Challenger ”, stn 146). Posterior margin of left valve and marginal apron of right valve of the lectotype is somewhat damaged. — A. meridionale var. bmnh 1887.2.9.3336/1-4, 3 lv and 1 rv (stn 302) does not belong to the type series according to iczn art. 72b(i).
Type locality. — " Challenger ”, stn 158, 50°01' S, 123° E, southern Indian Ocean, 3292 m.
Material examined. — The type material.
Chesterfield Islands, corail 2: stn DW 172, 18°26' S, 155°12' E, 1100 m, 1 spm.
New Caledonia, biocal: stn DS 04, 21° 15' S, 166°39' E, 2340 m, 5 spms, 1 lv. — Stn DW 53, 23”09 S, 167°42' E, 975-1005 m, 3 lv. — Stn DW 56, 23°34' S, 1 67°1 1' E, 695-705 m, 1 rv. — Stn CP 61, 24° 1 1 ' S, 167° 31' E, 1070 m, 3 lv, 4 rv. — Stn CP 63, 24°28' S. 168°07' E, 2160 m, 1 spm. — Stn DW 66, 24°55' S, 168°21' E, 505-515 m, 1 rv. — Stn DW 70, 23°24' S, 167°53' E, 965 m, 4 lv, 1 rv. - Stn DW 80, 20°31' S, 166°48' E, 900-980 m, 4 rv. — Stn DS 98, 21°24' S, 166°29' E, 2365-2470 m, 3 spms.
musorstom 4: stn DW 160, 18°42' S, 163° 13' E, 675 m, 4 lv, 2 rv. — Stn CP 169, 18°54' S, 163°H' E, 600 m, 6 lv, 2 rv. — Stn CP 178, 18°56' S, 163° 12' E, 520 m, 1 lv.
Loyaltv Islands, biogeocal: stn CP 250, 21°24' S, 166°28' E, 2350 m, 1 spm. — Stn CP 290, 20°36' S, 167°03' E, 920-760 m, 2 spms, 3 lv, 2 rv. — Stn DW 296, 20°38' S, 167° 10' E, 1230-1270 m, 3 lv, 2 rv. — Stn CP 297, 20°38' S, 167° 10' E, 1230-1240 m, 1 spm, 1 lv.
musorstom 6: stn DW 396, 20°48' S, 167°00' E, 1400 m, 3 lv, 1 rv. — Stn DW 397, 20°47' S, 1 67°05' E, 380 m, 1 lv. — Stn DW 488, 20°49' S, 167°06' E, 800 m, 4 spms, 37 lv, 29 rv.
Distribution. — Smith (1885) recorded this species from three widely scattered localities: South of Western Australia, East of Marion Island (southern Indian Ocean), and West of Patagonia (southeastern Pacific). Knudsen (1967) added several new records from the northern Arabian Sea, Zanzibar area, Maidive Islands, the Gulf of Aden, and the Kermadec area (NE of New Zealand).
Dijkstra (1990) mentioned a new record from the Islands, New Caledonia and the Loyalty Islands
Dlscription. — Shell fragile, somewhat inequivalve, nearly circular, up to ca. 15 mm high, left valve slightly more convex than right, auricles equal, pellucid white, umbonal angle about 120°.
Prodissoconch ca. 200 pm in height (Knudsen, 1967).
Left valve sculptured with delicate radial lirae, commencing at 3 mm shell length, extending almost to ventral margin. Prominent concentric lamellae extend to ventral margin, intersected by radial lirae to produce a somewhat cancellate sculpture. Auricles equal, sculptured with radial striae.
Flores Sea (Indonesia). Now also the Chesterfield Present material living at 760-2470 m.
Some delicate lamellae near anterior and posterior mar¬ gins.
Right valve covered by regular concentric lirae. which are more close-set near margins. Auricles differently sculptured: Anterior auricle with stronger radial lirae than posterior, concentric lamellae near dorsal margin. Interior somewhat iridescent, hyaline near margins. Internal riblets variable in number, generally 12, without distinct terminal nodules. Hinge line straight with delicate scales on dorsal margin. Resilifer triangular. No byssal notch, or ctenolium.
Source MNHN . Paris
Eigs 15-22 15-18. Propeamussium meridionale, musorstom 6: stn DW 488, 18.0 x 18.5 mm (Iv) 14 5 x 14 2 mm (rv)
Source : MNHN, Paris
Remarks. — The present specimens correspond very well with the type material, although the sculpture on the left valves is somewhat more pronounced, while a few (1-3) internal riblets are more
strongly developed. .
Powell (1960: 175) placed P. meridionals in Varlamussium , but all its conchological characters
indicate that it is Propeamussium.
Hicks & Marshall (1985: 227) describe the food of this species.
Propeamussium ruhrotinctum (Oyama, 1951) Figs 23-26
Parvamussium (Parvamussium) ruhrotinctum Oyama, 1951: 81, pi. 13, figs 8-10.
Propeamussium (Propeamussium) Stella Wang, 1984: 600, 602, pi. 1, figs 11-14. (Syn. nov.)
Other reference:
Propeamussium ruhrotinctum — Hayami, 1988b: 80.
Type material. — P. ruhrotinctum: probably in the private collection of Dr K. Oyama at Toba (not seen). P. Stella: holotype ioas m25778, paratype ioas m25779.
Type locality. P. ruhrotinctum: Shikoku, Gulf of Tosa, Japan, depth not mentioned, alive?. — P. Stella: South China Sea, 19° N, 112.5° E, 290 m.
Material examined. — New Caledonia. “ Vauhan " 1978-79: stn 2, 22" 17 S, 167 14 E, 425-430 m, 4 lv. — Stn 3, 22°17'S, 167°12'E, 390 m, 2 lv. — Stn 33, 22°33' S, 166°25' E, 290- 350 m, 1 lv.
biocal: stn DW 104, 21°30' S. 166°21' E, 375-450 m, 1 lv.
musorstom 4: stn DC 235, 22°13' S, 167°12' E, 405-415 m, 5 lv, 2 rv. — Stn DW 244, 22 02 S, 167"08' E, 435-445 m, 2 lv. — Stn CC 246, 22"08' S, 167°11' E, 410-420 m. 4 lv, 4 rv.
Loyalty Islands, biogeocal: stn DW 253, 21°3TS, 166°28' E, 310-315 m, 1 lv. musorstom 6: stn DW 391, 20°47' S, 167"05' E, 390m, 1 lv, 4 rv. — Stn DW 406, 20 40, S, 67 06 E, 373 m, 3 lv, 5 rv. — Stn DW 407, 20°40' S, 167°06' E, 360 m, 1 lv. Stn CP 408, 20"41 S, i67 ' 07 E, 380 m, 2 spms. - Stn DW 410, 20°38' S, 167°06' E, 490 m, 1 spin, 1 lv, 1 rv. — Stn DW 41 1, 20' 40 S, 167°03' E, 424 m, 1 1 spms, 22 lv, 13 rv. — Stn DW 412, 20°40' S, 167° 03' E, 437 m, > 50 spms Stn DW 413, 20°40' S, 167° 03' E, 463 m, 1 spm. 2 rv. — Stn CP 415, 20040' S, ,167 03 E, 46i m, 4 spms. Stn DW 416, 20°42' S, 166°59' E, 343 m, 3 rv. — Stn DW 426, 20°24 S, 166 22 E, 610 m, 1 lv, 1 rv. — Stn DW 428, 20°23' S, 166° 12' E. 420 m, 1 spm, 1 rv. — Stn DW 447, 20 54 S, 167° 19' E, 460 m, 1 lv. — Stn DW 458, 21°00' S, 167°29' E, 400 m, 1 rv. — Stn DW 459, -T 01 S, 167° 31' E. 425 m, I lv. — Stn CP 464, 21°02' S, 167°31' E, 430 m, 3 lv, 1 rv.
Distribution. — Oyama (1951) recorded this species from Shikoku and Kyushu, Japan. Wang (1984) added a new record from South China Sea. Now also New Caledonia and the Loyalty
Islands. Present material living at 380-490 m.
Description. Shell fragile, suborbicular, inequivalve, inequilateral, up to ca. 20 mm high, left valve somewhat more convex than right. Valves gaping at lateral margins. Auricles relatively small, unequal. Umbonal angle about 90".
Prodissoconch ca. 200 pm in height.
Left valve covered with minute concentric lamellae in late ontogeny near periphery, otherwise smooth and glossy with a few concentric plications, one or two delicate radial plicae near posterior margin. Shell transparent, with light orange patches and small white dots. Auricles smooth. Hinge line straight.
Right valve covered with regular concentric lirae and interstitial microscopic radial scratches. Auricles with concen¬ tric striae and somewhat serrated on dorsal margin. Shell whitish, nearly opaque. Internal lirae generally 10. an auricular lira on each side, commencing directly below the resilifer, extending to submarginal area, slightly nodulous at distal ends. Internal lirae of right valve somewhat broader. Resilifer triangular, elongate. Outer ligament rather broad. Adductor scar large, nearly circular, with whitish spots. Small byssal notch, no ctenolium.
Figs 23-30 ,2r^'26: Propeamussium rubrotinctum , musorstom 6: stn DW 412, 21.8 x 20 5 mm (dh) - 23 lefi vilv,- ,,,Prillr
stnCfc'Wi TZ7 mm (db)ri8h,27al|^eXt,eri0r- ^ ^ SSSSli
30, right valve, interior ( ’' “ 'efl Va‘Ve’ eX,en°r- “ 28‘ left valve' inlerior- ~ 29- right valve, exterior. -
Source : MNHN , Paris
Remarks. — Wang (1984: 603) compared Propeamussium Stella with P. caducum, and observed that these species differ in shape, the number of internal lirae, and in having a glossy surface and a colour pattern, but he overlooked P. steindachneri (Sturany, 1901) from the Red Sea and Gulf of Oman, and P. rubrotinctum (Oyama, 1951) from Japan. Both of the latter are similar to P. Stella, although P. steindachneri is